22.12.2006 11:43
Thanks of the Organiser
Organizátori 32. Rally Košice, členovia Auto Klubu Košice úprimne ďakujú všetkým, ktorí im pomohli zorganizovať pekné motoristick&eacu...
19.10.2006 19:12
Closed roads during the rally
20. – 22.10. 2006  Rastislavova ulica v úseku od križovatky Cintorínska po križovatku s Alejovou ulicou.          &...
15.10.2006 11:18
Rally Košice winners
Vo vyše tridsaťročnej histórii košickej rally sa najlepšie darilo vozidlám Škoda. Pravdepodobne aj preto, ža ich percentuálne zastúpenie bolo...
13.10.2006 00:19
Adm. check and Scrutineering Timetable
Timetable of the Administrative check and Scrutineering you can find together with Entry List....
11.10.2006 00:06
Arrival itinerary to the Rally Headquarters
With the view of the help to the participants of the 32. Rally Košice we had published the Arrival itinerary to the Rally Headquarters - Tempus Autoland, Rastislavova 110, Košice. This i...
19.09.2006 13:12
Change of the ranking of the 32. Rally Košice in the Slovak Championship and Cup of the Slovak Republic 2006
Leg 1 of the 32. Rally Košice will counts as individual event with coefficient 2 (with name Rally Košice 1) and Leg 2 as individual event with coefficient 1 (with name Rally Košic...
02.09.2006 19:43
Preparation of the 32. Rally Košice
Preparation 32. Rally Košice is in the final phase. Slovak Association of Motorsport approved Supplementary regulations of our event on 22. August 2006. You can find them and also the rall...
22.05.2006 20:11
32. Rally Košice 2006 classification change
It seems that household words “life is a change“ means especially in rally. Within the month of March Auto klub Košice received the information that Hungarian Rally commision didn&a...
19.03.2006 12:56
Preparation for the 32. Rally Kosice 2006
The king has died, long live king! It could be said for rally too. Organizers usually start to prepare new season right after the end of the previous one. We have started to prepare the rally 2006...
18.03.2006 21:47
Rally is our life!
Which one of the two falcons flies nicer? – it´s Shakespeare´s question. The answer is simple. It´s just enough to fix eyes at the sky. And watch them to fly. The falcon wh...
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40. Rally Košice counts for:

FIA CEZ Championship 2014
Slovak Rally Championship 2014
Hungarian Rally Championship 2014
Slovak Rally Cup 2014
Hungarian Rallye2 Championship

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